Most Online Casinos and iGaming Businesses use a blend of their own in-house marketing teams and outsourced SEO agencies to achieve Organic success. This is often down to a lack of skilled resource and the time required to get the results.
As a leading Online Betting SEO Agency in the UK, Stack’s team will take the time out during our discovery with our clients to discuss which key metrics are most important to them. This can include but is by no means limited to:
- Increasing Targeted Website Visits / Traffic
- Player Registration / Login Requests
- Player Deposits / Gameplay
- Other Contact Form Requests
- Improving Brand Awareness / Game Engagement
- Growing Profitable Revenue via the Website / Platform including Net Gaming Revenue
How Do We Measure it?
First, in order to establish SEO campaign KPI’s we need to nail down what your business goals are based on examples like the above. For example, you might have introduced a range of new online slot games for your online casino platform, and you’re looking to really promote these to drive new player traffic and in turn, revenue from these slot games. How do we achieve these both on and off-site?
Secondly, we establish your budget for search engine optimisation tactics based on the overall importance of the business goals discussed. This will vary based on the scale / size of your operation, whether you’re a start-up or a large global player.
A great man (or perhaps woman) once said “Before you know where you’re heading you must know where you’ve been”. This is why we use analysis tools like Google Analytics and SEM Rush; to grab detailed data on how your website is performing for you right now and during the past days/weeks/months/years. Unless of course you are a start-up retailers/online casino, in which case we have a clean slate to work from.
Want to know more about how Search Engine Optimisation can help to grow your retail business or online casino? Then contact info@stackdigital.co.uk for a free SEO audit/consultation.